IFA Tech manufacture a bespoke range of Skid mounted packages, to comply with either existing design parameters and client specifications or submit our own design for approval.

All equipment is designed and assembled in a factory controlled environment.

Larger Skids can be supplied in modular format for reassembly on site, if space / lifting restrictions preclude delivery in one consignment. (IFA Tech have a team of suitably qualified site Engineers available, to undertake assembly work both onshore and offshore)

Skid packages can include Duty / Assist / Standby Pumps and associated Pipework with Isolation Valves, Strainers, Non Return Valves, Pressurisation Units, Inertia bases, Pressure Transducers, Pressure

Gauges, Control Panels including wiring.

Victaulic ended.

All Packaged Skids are issued with a factory Pressure Test Certificate.

Reduced assembly and fabrication time onsite minimises both onsite labour and project control. (See separate download on “Benefits of Off-Site Manufacture”.