The Firetex flexible enclosure system has been developed to provide fire protection for emergency
shutdown valves, actuators, control stations, electrical junction boxes, marshalling cabinets and other critical equipment located in hazardous environments.
Design of the system is based on the industry approved hydrocarbon fire time versus temperature curve. Equipment surface temperature constraints may vary over a range of 70°C to 350°C and time factors between 15 and 120 minutes. The Firetex system has been tested at the Loss Prevention Councilís test house at Borehamwood where an electrical type actuator and cast iron gate valve enclosure were proved to provide protection for periods of 30 minutes and 90 minutes respectively.
The actuator surface temperature was held to 90°C and the valve to 300°C. Physical integrity of the enclosures was maintained throughout the test program.
The Firetex Flexible Enclosure System has an overall thickness of typically 66mm and is comprised of a multi-layer construction of elastomeric coated ceramic cloth, silicate fiber blankets separated by metallic foil and elastomeric coated glass cloth. The enclosure may be tailored to fit directly onto the body of the protected equipment or may be supported by a space frame system where physical configuration dictates.
Special collars are incorporated into the system to accommodate cabling or hydraulic lines and a similar arrangement is provided where hand wheels and/or declutch levers are required to be external to the enclosure.
All materials used in the construction of the Firetex enclosure system are unaffected by normal working conditions and as such, the enclosures are virtually maintenance free. No special tools are required in order to quickly and easily dismantle or reassemble the enclosure and thus maintenance routines may be carried out speedily.
Unlike pipe penetration fire seal systems and jet fire rated enclosure systems, at the time of this data
sheet going to press, there is no national or international recognized standard describing test methods for this type of product.
In the absence of such a standard, the Firetex Enclosure System was subjected to the most arduous furnace testing available in accordance with the hydrocarbon fire time versus temperature curve given in the Department of Energy Specification – Issue 1:1990.
Study of the test report, prepared by the Loss Prevention Council, resulted in Lloyds Register issuing a Letter of Compliance for the system, a copy of which is available on request together with a copy test report if required.