Type A: Silicone Coated Glassfabric based materials – performance summary:
Type: SCF-1300 Silicone Coated G/F.
Operating Temperature Range: -50°C to +250°C.
Operating Pressure Range: 1016mm WG (40” WG) (Max).
Typical Applications: Heating & Ventilation, Smoke Extract duties
Single Layer Flexible Connections – All Types:
Single Layer, or “ply” Flexible connections are designed to provide: Vibration isolation, absorb expansion, compensate for misalignment in ductwork and reduce noise breakout when using flexible materials having dedicated noise attenuation properties.
Available in the following standard geometries:
“Circular Flat Flanged” (C.F.F.) – Circular with “plain ends” suitable for “Jubilee Clip” type installation.
“Rectangular Flat Flanged” (R.F.F.) – Square / rectangular with “plain ends” suitable for backing flat installation.
“Circular Angle Flanged” (C.A.F.) – Circular with flanged ends at 90 degrees to the body suitable for steel backing flanges.
“Rectangular Angle Flanged” (R.A.F.) – Square or rectangular with flanged ends at 90 degrees to the body suitable for steel backing flanges.
Can also be manufactured as tapering and / or transitioning from circular to rectangular geometries.
Can be supplied pre-punched to match clients existing ductwork flanges or “plain flanges” for drilling during installation, where specific hole centers are unknown.
Fire rated materials available for specific applications.
All related steelwork can be specified, designed and manufactured in-house, including:
Steel Backing Flats / Flanges, Steel Inner sleeves to protect the Flexible Connection from abrasive particles or high velocity gasses / buffeting.
Type: SCF-1300
Description: Silicone Coated G/F
Temperature: 50°C to +250°C
Pressure: 1016mm WG (40″ WG)